Yearly Archives: 2017

“Hedgehog Close” video needs your vote! Plus a Christmas present idea.

By |November 24th, 2017|News|

Forget those sickly Christmas videos on TV. Instead vote for the cutest video of the year - "Hedgehog Close" by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society. You can view it and vote at And, yes, those funky "hedgehog highway" signs would make great Christmas presents for anyone with a garden. You can order them (at a [...]

Brexit Good News For (Some) UK Businesses?

By |October 22nd, 2017|Comment|

Interesting article in this Week's Economist about companies looking for UK replacements for their EU-based suppliers. For example, Nissan reportedly wants to double the share (by value) of UK-made parts from 40% to 80%. Worth reading with your coffee and a Hobnob or two.  

Free Support For Charities And NGOs

By |October 12th, 2017|News|

We've been contacted by the Bo Children's Hospital Foundation in Sydney, who hope to use Herschel to control the pharmacy in their hospital in Sierra Leone. They were pleased to learn the Herschel software was free, and we're going to give them free support as well. You can learn more about the charity here: [...]

Our new Shop is open for business!

By |March 22nd, 2017|News|

We've improved and streamlined our online shop and rationalised our product range. You can see it here. It's quick and easy to order our various support options and services. Support is now paid annually, to reduce paperwork and administration. All payments are now made using PayPal - although you don't need a PayPal account to [...]

You’re STILL using one monitor?

By |January 6th, 2017|Hints & Tips|

I've suddenly realised some people are still using Herschel with just one monitor. Don't you realise with two or three monitors you can spread those Herschel windows all over your huge desktop?  And they auto-update! You can have Herschel, Outlook, Ebay and Facebook all open at once. And really impress office visitors.

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