Control Your Stock

You can only plan accurately if you know exactly what you’re currently holding in stock.

The Store module keeps a constant track of what’s happening . It’s quick and intuitive to use, allowing you to keep up to date with the minimum of effort.

Built into the Store module are powerful reordering reports.  Using an easy to understand “reorder point” method, these scan your stock, identifying any items that need ordering.

Herschel has sophisticated tools help you check your stock.  You can either do complete stock checks or regular partial checks.

One of the key management statistics you’ll need is a valuation of your stock.  Herschel can do this in seconds, so you can discover just where your money is.

Powerful, Helpful Features

Every stock transaction is recorded, and is stamped with date and user. No more doubt about who did what and when.
You can set the standard (target) cost for a partnumber. Herschel will automatically update the latest and average costs.
You can flag items as urgent and print out a priority list. When an urgently needed item arrives your staff are alerted automatically.

You’ll find lots more valuable information about the Store module here.

Store Herschel Systems Limited

Pictures And More

Herschel can record and display pictures for every partnumber. And it doesn’t have to be a picture, it could be a Word document or PDF.

Store Herschel Systems Limited

Powerful Stock Enquiries

As well as your current stock, number required and on-order figures, Herschel also shows you all past transactions and, cleverly, all future transactions.

Store Herschel Systems Limited

Quarantine Stock

If you’re not sure some stock is OK, just put it in quarantine until you know. Herschel remembers you’ve got it, but that you can’t use it.


Herschel is the ultimate way to control your business!

Loaded with powerful features, a slick interface, database speed, comprehensive reports & much more!